Spiroflow Development Engineer, Craig Hollings is Named Energy Champion

Spiroflow Development Engineer, Craig Hollings is Named Energy Champion

In a continuing effort to become a greener company, Spiroflow have named their Environmental Champion for 2020 as Craig Hollings. Craig has been at Spiroflow for 3years, starting as a Graduate Sales Engineer he is currently in the role of Development Engineer.

Craig was chosen to drive forward all future green initiatives that Spiroflow will roll out in the next year because of his instrumental role in the recent tree planting scheme where Spiroflow achieved annual carbon neutrality based on the lifespan of the trees planted. Read the full article here

“Once we fully understood what our carbon impact was, we were better placed to do something about it,” said Spiroflow’s development engineer, Craig Hollings. “The first step was a grass roots approach to make small changes; this included changing plastic cups in the canteen to water bottles for a more sustainable use, changing lighting over to LED, monitoring heating and increasing the recycling of cardboard waste. The tree planting event has been a great way to achieve our goal of becoming carbon neutral and we are delighted to have secured agreements with landowners for future tree planting initiatives to last in excess of 50 years.”

Spiroflow are committed to making changes in a wide range of areas including recycling, reducing energy usage and improving energy efficiencies in other companies. Craig’s function within the company is to undergo research and development of our products and in 2019 he helped develop SAM, our remote monitoring system (Spiroflow Active Monitoring). The system will provide customers with full visibility of the energy consumption of their equipment, and so they are able to make essential changes to their processes to reduce their carbon impact.

With Craig Hollings taking Spiroflow’s core value of Accountability forward for the next year, the company is confident in its commitment to retaining the Carbon Neutral status, reducing energy use and promoting green initiatives to its customers and within the powder and bulk materials handling industry.
