Mobile Bulk Bag Unloading System Transfers Chemical Powders to Dockside ISO Tankers

ISO Tankers
Dockside ISO Tankers are filled with a Spiroflow Bulk Bag Unloader.

Customer Requirements

A customer needed a way to transfer chemicals such as Barite, Bentonite and Calcium Carbonate directly into highway transportable ISO tanks on the dockside as bulk bags were unloaded from porting ships.
The materials had to be protected from the elements because the material was being handled outside.

Spiroflow Solution

We engineered a Universal Type 2 Bulk Bag Unloader with an integral high-capacity rigid screw conveyor. The bulk bag unloader was constructed with a partially enclosed mobile frame that offers some protection from sea spray and rain while not restricting the unloading of bags.

With the Type 2 Bulk Bag Unloader it is possible to unload from 10 to 15 bulk bags per hour. Speed depends on product flowability, the speed at which the forklift truck driver can load the bags into the unloader and the distance the bags have to travel.

Standard spring-loaded bag support arms stretch bags as they empty to ensure no wrinkling or damage to the inner liners affecting material unloading. When side, corner or base bag massagers are needed, mobile bulk bag unloaders are supplied with integral compressors to operate them.
